Contact us with your ideas, however fantastic or vague.
We’re always pleased talk through queries and offer suggestions and solutions.
Of course it does help things along if you have some ideas about likes, dislikes, budget or space restrictions.
We’ll prepare an outline proposal with a price estimate and, following this, if you’d like to proceed further we’ll arrange a suitable time to meet and discuss more ideas.
If a face-to-face meeting isn’t possible then we’re happy and used to communicating via e-mail, Skype or phone
Kevin Mulvany & Susie Rogers
Telephone: +44 (0) 1225 783611

We enjoy working in both a specific historic period and mixing things up a little – an 16thc exterior with 18thc interiors and modern furnishings for one particular client for example. Sometimes we’re asked to make a copy of a client’s own house. Generally this won’t be as grand as Buckingham Palace, (although that isn’t always the case!) and so the smaller building when ‘translated’ into miniature can make the perfect doll’s house for an adult collector or older child.